Need an absent or struggling student to learn or practice 3rd-grade area and perimeter skills?
Or maybe you need an area and perimeter lesson that’s ready to go for days when you have a substitute. These Google Slides interactive anchor charts are perfect for that!
Click HERE to save $ on the 3rd Grade Math Interactive Slides Bundle.
This area and perimeter resource includes:
- 20 Interactive Graph Anchor Chart Slides so your students can interact and learn about area and perimeter. (See a list of skills covered below.)
- “Your Turn Slides” are sprinkled throughout so your students can interact with the anchor chart to practice the skill.
- Teacher Tips Sheet so you can try what has worked when using this resource.
- Student Sharing Directions Guide so you can see step-by-step how to assign this in Google Classroom.
The following skills are covered:
- finding the area of a shape with square units
- finding the area using length x width
- finding the perimeter using square unit lengths
- finding the perimeter by adding up all the sides
- finding the unknown length when given the perimeter
*These are Google Slides and students must have a Gmail account to be able to use them.
Listen to what teachers are saying about some of the 3rd-grade math interactive anchor charts:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lisa- This is a fantastic resource and was great for distance learning.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sarah- This resource was perfect for distance learning! I used them during our Google Meets.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stephanie- Love the anchor charts and the examples. This has really helped my students with their rounding during distance learning.
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